Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sexual Health: 3 Amazing Foods That Nourish Amazing Relationships

Is your relationship suffering from lack of intimacy? Do you feel unappreciated or taken for granted by your partner? Read on to discover simple, nutritional answers to transform a lackluster love life into an amazing one.
Many modern couples are interested in adopting healthier lifestyles, which goes hand-in-hand with achieving greater emotional intimacy. There is a proven link between a whole foods diet and an increase in libido. Whole foods nourish whole people, and that means greater sexual vitality and renewed intimacy are a natural "side effect" of eating healthier. When people are whole, energy flows to create connected, honest, and loving relationships.
The whole health approach provides the foundation for improving closeness and satisfaction in couples. To nourish an amazing relationship based on respect, trust, intimacy, and love, incorporate these three amazing foods into your diet:
1. Whole Grains
Whole foods contain the vital energy of the plant, which nourishes all levels of mind, body, and spirit. Energetically balanced whole grains are grounding and help to center your whole being from the inside out, achieving peace and harmony. Including whole grains in your regime not only nourishes your sexual health but also the quality of your relationship.
Are cereal and flour products, such as bread, considered whole grain foods? Many people believe they are, but when we discuss whole grains from a macrobiotic point of view, the ones we want are whole, intact, and unmodified. Examples that are best for your overall health - and for sexual vitality - include brown rice, whole oats, and other grains that are unprocessed and cooked whole.
2. Bean Dishes
Another grounding whole food, beans are high in protein and fiber and low in fat. Unlike meat, which clogs your arteries and stresses your kidneys, beans provide long lasting sexual vitality while supporting kidney function. Mineral-rich aduki beans and black soybeans are especially healing to the kidneys and reproductive organs.
3. Cooked Vegetable Dishes
Eating organic, seasonal, locally grown vegetables brings our bodies back into harmony with nature and its rhythms. For the best spectrum of vitamins and minerals, include a variety of vegetables in your meal plan and remember to eat the whole vegetable, including the ends and tips. This allows the energy of the entire plant to nourish your whole being - body, mind, and spirit.
The cooking process allows you to connect with your food. Appreciation and respect for the food you are consuming not only aids digestion and improves the quality of a meal, but it also enables you to carry this sense of gratitude into your relationships.
Eating whole foods will help you to become whole - not only in relation to others, but within yourself. As you relearn your own wholeness, your intimate partnerships will reflect this transformation and evolve into amazing relationships.

Friday, January 20, 2012

What Is The Definition Of Sexual Health?

Sexual health is influenced by a great many factors ranging from behaviour, attitudes, and conditioning, to biological and genetic factors. It encompasses the problems of HIV, unintended pregnancy and abortion, infertility and sexual dysfunction. Sexual health can also be influenced by mental health, acute and chronic illnesses, and violence.
It also involves the individual, family, community, health system level legal and regulatory environments where the sexual rights of all people are upheld.
Ideas and norms about sexuality and health come from a variety of sources including social custom, science, medicine, religious belief, and personal experiences. As a result, no one definition of sexual health is likely to adequately represent this diversity, especially when professional opinions on sexuality and sexual health are formed by training and social position which in turn, are often influenced by the individual's culture, socio-economic status, religion, etc.
Because the words "health" and "healthy" are often linked to the field of medicine, they carry a medical connotation and authority. As a result, the term "sexual health" can be misused to express approval or disapproval of specific behaviours or individuals under what may seem to be "medical truth". This is the reason why some sex educators and therapists are fearful of promoting a concept of sexual health (directly, by defining it, or indirectly, by developing guidelines) through education.
Also it's worth keeping in mind that definitions of sexual health can change and should not be taken as rigid rules of conduct.
The World Health Organisation says...
"Sexual health is...the integration of the physical, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of sexual being, in ways that are positively enriching and that enhance personality, communication and love."
"...a capacity to enjoy and control sexual and reproductive behaviour in accordance with a social and personal ethic."
"...freedom from fear, shame, guilt, false beliefs and other psychological factors inhibiting sexual response and impairing sexual relationships."
"...freedom from organic disorders, diseases and deficiencies that interfere with sexual and reproductive function."
Good sexual health means making sure you have the knowledge, skills and ability to make informed sexual choices and acting responsibly to protect your health and the health of others.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sexual Health: 3 Macrobiotic Home Remedies for Women

Is your love life suffering from low libido or lack of desire? Macrobiotics offers the natural secrets to revitalizing sexual health and libido.
A macrobiotic diet is a natural way to boost your metabolism and discharge toxins from the body, but there's much more to health than just the foods you eat. A macrobiotic lifestyle focuses on eliminating mucous-causing foods-like dairy products, animal products, and unhealthy fats-from your diet. It also incorporates specific home remedies that cleanse and restore health.
Whole foods, herbs and supplements, and regular exercise are all part of the macrobiotic approach to maintaining all of the body's organs - including women's sexual and reproductive organs. If you're looking for safe, natural, and powerful ways to spice up your love life, the following three macrobiotic home remedies may provide exactly the boost your sexual health needs:
1. Body Scrub
A body scrub not only helps improve sexual and overall vitality, it also increases blood and lymph circulation, removes dead skin cells, opens pores, and cleanses toxins. It's easy to take a few minutes every day to add a body scrub to your regular cleansing routine:
1. Fill a basin with hot water. Wet an organic cotton washcloth and wring it out.
2. Scrub your extremities in a back-and-forth direction toward the heart.
3. Wet the washcloth again, wring it out, and move on to scrub another part of the body.
4. Remember to scrub your face, hands, each finger, and both feet.
The body scrub is most effective as a cleansing aid when it's done twice each day, in the morning and evening.
2. Daikon Hip Bath
Dried daikon leaves are a natural remedy that helps dissolve mucous and stagnation in the reproductive organs. This hip bath is good for stimulating the metabolism and increasing libido. It's recommended for all women's health disorders, including ovarian and uterine diseases, vaginal discharge, painful menstruation, and low libido.
1. Add 5 bunches of dried daikon leaves to 5 quarts of pure water.
2. Bring to a boil and simmer 20 minutes.
3. Add ½ cup sea salt.
4. Pour the hot liquid into a bathtub. Add warm water until it reaches a level that will be waist height when you're sitting in the tub.
5. Immerse yourself and cover the bathtub with a large towel to promote perspiration.
6. Sit in the daikon bath for 10-20 minutes.
7. After the hip bath, it's best to go straight to sleep.
Do the bath for 7-10 consecutive days. It's best to schedule the hip bath for immediately before bed and at least an hour after eating.
3. Umeboshi Douche
It's possible to dissolve mucous stagnation in the reproductive organs by douching with a macrobiotic remedy made from umeboshi plums immediately after a daikon hip bath. Umeboshi douche helps to reduce vaginal discharge and inflammation.
1. Boil 3 umeboshi plums in 1 quart of pure water for 20 minutes.
2. Turn off heat and cool to body temperature.
3. Strain one cup of liquid and use as a gentle douche.
4. Repeat daily with the remaining liquid for ten days.
These simple but effective macrobiotic home remedies are a powerful way to help boost libido and improve your sexual wellness and the health of your intimate relationships.