Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Annual Chlamydia Testing The Key To Great Sexual Health

Some things like to lurk. They like to just sit there all comfortably and then-without any warning at all-they spring up and bite you on the butt! Things that do this quite often are hairy spiders, scorpions, some types of snakes, rabid monkeys, perhaps-and definitely chlamydia.
One of twenty-five different diseases that qualify as an STD, chlamydia is also a lurker. It is an STD that can sit and wait for years before it bites you (really takes a chunk out of you, especially if you are a woman who would like to have a child). If you are sexually active, testing for such an STD is a great first step in taking control of your overall health.
Annual testing is highly recommended by certified STD clinics-and it's not because they want repeat business-but it is precisely because of the lurking factor that chlamydia possesses. In the United States of America Chlamydia infects over three million people a year; a hefty sum, by any standard. Up to seventy five percent of chlamydia cases in women, and up to twenty five percent of cases in men, are completely symptomless. That's seventy five percent of all women infected showing no signs of their status at all. If this isn't an awesome case for testing, nothing is.
Whoa, let's take it back a bit and discuss what it is we're talking about here. What exactly is chlamydia? Well, chlamydia is a bacterial infection that grows-and wreaks havoc-in the urinary and reproductive organs. The fact that it is a bacterial infection is actually good news. A bacterial infection can be cured, while a viral infection cannot. Without treatment, chlamydia can lead to Non-Gonoccal-Urethritis (NGU) in the men who are infected, and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID in the women who are infected. Again, testing is a great way to guide your health care in a positive manner.
Anyway you cut it, chlamydia is an awful scourge. NGU can lead to inflammation-and even arthritis-of the testicles, in men. In women, PID can lead to sterility, that is, to not be able to have any children at all. For many women and families, this is devastating news. And it can all be avoided by receiving annual testing at a certified STD clinic
What to be on the lookout for? As previously mentioned, many cases of chlamydia do not show symptoms, therefore testing is imperative. For those cases where symptoms are present be on the lookout in men for, painful urination, whitish discharge from the penis and/or testicular pain. In women, itching & burning of the genitals, and a greenish (!) vaginal discharge. Do not become paralyzed with fear if these symptoms occur to you, instead insist on testing.
Chlamydia testing may the only real chance you have to stop it dead in its tracks. Way too many people are affected by its insidious complications each and every year. Getting yourself to a certified STD clinic annually for testing will stop the growth of this bacteria inside of you. This will eliminate the possibility that your reproductive organs can be affected and render you unable to have children,. Many families want this at some point in their lives. Be prepared to safeguard you ability to child rear.
Getting yourself to a certified STD clinic for testing will also help diagnose other STDs that may slip under the radar. Most people have a medical practitioner for their general health needs, yet if you are a sexually active individual, you need a regular sexual health checkup in addition to your traditional physical. Make it annual, pencil it in on your new calendars, and forget about it till the date arrives.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sexual Health: 3 Macrobiotic Home Remedies for Men

Are you looking for a way to bring passion back to the bedroom? It's easier than you might think, when you have the macrobiotic secrets to creating healthy libido and sex drive.
A macrobiotic diet is a powerful tool for health, cleansing the entire body, strengthening the metabolism, restoring health and energy, and even boosting libido. But a macrobiotic lifestyle means more than just removing animal fats, dairy products, refined flour, and sugar from your diet. It can also include natural home remedies that strengthen the sexual and reproductive organs and improve sexual health, such as the following three libido boosters for men:
1. Ginger Compress on Kidneys
The kidneys control adrenal function, including your stress response, energy levels, and sexual vitality. A ginger compress on the kidneys breaks down stagnated fat and mucous. It also increases circulation by naturally opening the blood vessels and alkalinizes bodily fluids, bringing them back to a more balanced and healthier state. It's easy to bring back the passion to your sex life with a simple ginger compress to strengthen the kidneys and adrenal glands.
1. Grate 5 ounces of fresh ginger and wrap the pulp in cheesecloth.
2. Bring a gallon of water to a boil.
3. Turn off heat. Add ginger "bag" to water, and allow ginger to steep 5 minutes.
4. Using rubber gloves, immerse an organic cotton towel in the ginger "tea" and wring it out.
5. Place the hot folded towel over the kidneys and cover it with another towel to maintain heat in the compress.
6. When the towel begins to feel cool, wet it again and replace.
7. Repeat the same procedure for 20 minutes.
To strengthen sex drive and libido, it's best to use this ginger compress twice a week for one month.
2. Ume Sho Kuzu Tea
Ume Sho Kuzu Tea effectively strengthens the digestion and also restores overall energy and sexual vitality.
1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of kuzu root starch in 2-3 tablespoons cold water.
2. Add an additional cup of cold water to the kuzu-water mixture.
3. Bring to boil over low flame, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming.
4. When the opaque liquid turns translucent, add ½ to 1 whole umeboshi plum.
5. Reduce flame and add ½ teaspoon of shoyu soy sauce.
6. Stir and simmer 2-3 minutes.
7. Drink while hot.
Take Ume Sho Kuzu Tea every other day for three weeks.
3. Miso Soup
One bowl of miso soup daily helps dissolve fat and mucous in the reproductive organs, restores energy, and improves sex drive. Barley or brown rice miso neutralizes toxins, alkalinizes the blood, and provides beneficial bacteria for the intestines. You can prepare the soup with various vegetables like wakame seaweed, chopped carrots, onion, daikon, or shiitake mushrooms. Green leafy vegetables may be added when the soup is almost ready to serve. Prepare the soup in its simplest form by adding 1 teaspoon of barley miso to 1 cup of liquid.
Along with removing mucous-causing foods from your diet, these macrobiotic home remedies can help to improve overall health while boosting sexual energy and vitality.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sexual Health: 3 Amazing Foods That Nourish Amazing Relationships

Is your relationship suffering from lack of intimacy? Do you feel unappreciated or taken for granted by your partner? Read on to discover simple, nutritional answers to transform a lackluster love life into an amazing one.

Many modern couples are interested in adopting healthier lifestyles, which goes hand-in-hand with achieving greater emotional intimacy. There is a proven link between a whole foods diet and an increase in libido. Whole foods nourish whole people, and that means greater sexual vitality and renewed intimacy are a natural "side effect" of eating healthier. When people are whole, energy flows to create connected, honest, and loving relationships.

The whole health approach provides the foundation for improving closeness and satisfaction in couples. To nourish an amazing relationship based on respect, trust, intimacy, and love, incorporate these three amazing foods into your diet:

1. Whole Grains

Whole foods contain the vital energy of the plant, which nourishes all levels of mind, body, and spirit. Energetically balanced whole grains are grounding and help to center your whole being from the inside out, achieving peace and harmony. Including whole grains in your regime not only nourishes your sexual health but also the quality of your relationship.

Are cereal and flour products, such as bread, considered whole grain foods? Many people believe they are, but when we discuss whole grains from a macrobiotic point of view, the ones we want are whole, intact, and unmodified. Examples that are best for your overall health - and for sexual vitality - include brown rice, whole oats, and other grains that are unprocessed and cooked whole.

2. Bean Dishes

Another grounding whole food, beans are high in protein and fiber and low in fat. Unlike meat, which clogs your arteries and stresses your kidneys, beans provide long lasting sexual vitality while supporting kidney function. Mineral-rich aduki beans and black soybeans are especially healing to the kidneys and reproductive organs.

3. Cooked Vegetable Dishes

Eating organic, seasonal, locally grown vegetables brings our bodies back into harmony with nature and its rhythms. For the best spectrum of vitamins and minerals, include a variety of vegetables in your meal plan and remember to eat the whole vegetable, including the ends and tips. This allows the energy of the entire plant to nourish your whole being - body, mind, and spirit.

The cooking process allows you to connect with your food. Appreciation and respect for the food you are consuming not only aids digestion and improves the quality of a meal, but it also enables you to carry this sense of gratitude into your relationships.

Eating whole foods will help you to become whole - not only in relation to others, but within yourself. As you relearn your own wholeness, your intimate partnerships will reflect this transformation and evolve into amazing relationships.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sexual Health at Christmas

An interesting thing about using tools such as Google Trends and Google Insights, is that you can review traffic patterns over the year for terms and wonder why that might be. Even your own Google Analytics is quite fascinating. There are often strong weekly patterns for example, job searches tend to disappear at the weekend and return at full strength on Monday mornings. Christmas and January are a particularly interesting time for search. Searches for all sorts of things increase in January from recruitment, to weight loss and stopping smoking. Search volume for subjects like garden sheds all but disappear in winter too.

Try entering search term like "STD Clinic" or "STI testing" and you will see that traffic dies away over summer and there is a peak in January. That suggests rather too many Christmas party incidents without, let us say adequate protection.

So first of all, prevention is better than cure. If you are considering going beyond an amorous clinch after your Christmas party, remember to stay safe. Male and female condoms, if used properly, will protect you from many Sexually Transmitted infections (STI's) and unplanned pregnancy.

However, if it's too late for that bit of sage advice, and you are worried that you have had unprotected sex, be on the look out for possible STI Symptoms. For women this could include passing urine more frequently or painfully, itching or swelling around the vagina or abnormal bleeding. For a man this may include itching or swelling around the penis and painful or more frequent urination.

If in any doubt, contact your most convenient sexual health clinic. Prevention May be better than Cure - but, Cure is still a pretty good option!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sexual Health: 5 Simple Ways to Boost Sexual Vitality

Ready to put the spark back in your love life? We've got all the juicy secrets to boosting sexual vitality and creating a more nurturing, loving relationship.

Healthy digestion not only improves your physical well-being and reduces risks of illness and disease, it can also boost your sexual health and deepen the intensity of your relationship. Today, I'll talk about the top 5 eating-related lifestyle adjustments you can make to invigorate your sex life.

Healthy digestion is an important first step in maximizing the intimacy and endurance of your relationships - specifically, how you absorb foods impacts your sexual vitality. To add passion to your sex life, try these five simple ways to improve digestion:

1. Sit down to eat

The stress of eating while doing other tasks, such as running, standing, driving, doing business, concentrating, and reading, can lead to ulcers and poor digestion. Sitting down to eat focuses your attention on the present moment, so you can fully enjoy your meal and your partner's company without distraction. This simple step not only improves digestion, but also cultivates appreciation for your food and relationship.

2. Chew your food

Digestion begins in the mouth. Amylase enzyme in saliva breaks down carbohydrates so the body can more easily absorb them. As complex carbohydrates (like brown rice) are converted into simple sugars, they become naturally sweeter. Chewing foods 50-100 times not only improves digestion, it also allows you to more easily embrace the sweetness in life, including being with your partner.

3. Eat at regular times

A regular mealtime schedule brings rhythm to your daily routine. When your digestion functions on a predictable cycle, you are in harmony with the natural order, and your relationships with people, animals, food, and yourself are more balanced.

4. Eat whole foods

Over time, eating rich, heavy, or greasy foods, such as meat and hydrogenated oils, burdens digestion and blocks sexual function. Cooked whole foods, like leafy greens and grains, nourish digestion and help the body cleanse and revitalize your reproductive organs.

5. Eat a moderate amount of food

Skipping meals, dieting, overeating, or under eating can all weaken your digestion, which becomes overworked and exhausted. Eating a moderate amount of food restores digestive function and boosts sexual vitality as you absorb more nutrients and energy.

By improving your digestion, you'll strengthen your body from the inside out. As you learn the art of eating, your relationships will become sweeter as well.